Style Guide


Body text is set to Avenir. Headings are set to Crimson Text.

The base font size is 20px with a line height of 1.45.

Links don't have a text-decoration: underline, but a border-bottom instead with crimson color (see color section).

Heading One

An example paragraph with strong text, emphasized text and a link, spanning multiple lines so you can see the line-height.

Heading Two

An example paragraph with strong text, emphasized text and a link, spanning multiple lines so you can see the line-height.

Heading Three

An example paragraph with strong text, emphasized text and a link, spanning multiple lines so you can see the line-height.

Heading Four

An example paragraph with strong text, emphasized text and a link, spanning multiple lines so you can see the line-height.


An example paragraph with strong text, emphasized text and a link, spanning multiple lines so you can see the line-height.


There is one accent color, all other colors are monochromatic grays, except when depicting code which may be in blue.

Background #373f49

Foreground #EEE

Background #DDD

Foreground #373f49

Background #EEE

Foreground #373f49

Background #FFF

Foreground #373f49

Background #D51034

Foreground #EEE



<span>This is a snippet of inline code</span>

<p>This is a bit of code in a block</p>

<p>It can span multiple lines</p>

    <p>It can also be indented</p>